TDW #045: The (Abridged) Story of My First Exit

Issue At-A-Glance:
- Quote: good Samaritan
- Tweet: MITs
- Thought: my first exit
- Surprise: GDocs to HTML
Read Time: 4 minutes
Different Quote
No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he only had good intentions. He had money as well.
via Margaret Thatcher
Different Tweet
My best productivity advice, in one compact tweet. I call the tasks my MITs — Most Important Tasks. Forgot where I learned that years ago. Never forgot it. How do you stay productive?
For more thoughts like this, follow me on Twitter here >>
Different Thought
The (Abridged) Story of My First Exit
This is the Classic Cup in Kansas City.
It's where I got the check after selling my first business.
Story goes like this…
I got a call one day:
Hey, we’d like to buy your course.
“Cool,” I thought to myself. “Why don’t you just go to the website and buy it like a normal person?”
They must have sensed my irritation:
**No, you don’t understand. We’d like buy your course—the material, the lists, the paying clients, and everything attached with it.
At the time, I didn't even know you could do something like that.
Turns out you can.
And I did.
So fast forward a month to the Classic Cup…
We had a nice meal.
Towards the end, the check was slid slowly across the table.
I knew how much was on it. We’d negotiated the price well before sitting down for the celebratory lunch. It wasn’t a surprise.
But, still… wow.
I waited til I got to my car to open the envelope.
And there it was.
It wasn’t retirement money
It wasn’t FU money.
But it was a permanent reminder that I could do this.
I mean, someone else saw so much value in my business they offered to buy the whole damn thing. It was a moment I’ll never forget. I mean—how could I?
So I keep the picture above on my vision board as a reminder.
It was just a few years prior that the amount on the check sitting in my hands was more than I used to make in a whole year.
So let’s wrap up with this:
I want you to picture one, specific goal you have in mind for your business.
Humor me on this one…
Got it?
Now, I want to gently remind you that whatever you envisioned is 100% possible. For you. It may take longer than you want. It may not look exactly how you pictured. The players and details might look different.
But if an ADHD-riddled, broke, former pastor with ZERO business experience can do it...
Anyone can.
Different Surprise
GDocsToHTML. I use this site almost daily. I am so glad It exists. It converts Google Docs & Notion copy to HTML.
(In fact, it's what we use to make this newsletter!)
So let's say you like writing in Google Docs (or Notion, like me) and then want to take that copy from Docs and send it out as an email.
Well, it doesn't always import cleanly.
The formatting gets messed up.
It looks weird and crappy and it's annoying.
But GDocsToHTML does something magical by stripping away all the nonsense and giving you a nice, clean, stripped down HTML version of what you pasted in.
Slam that into your favorite WYSIWYG editor and you're off to the races!
When you’re ready, here are the three main ways I can help you:
1.) Build your Content Machine and watch as your content predictably pulls in dream clients who already know, like, and trust you. (Join 100+ members here.)
2.) FREE REPORT: Discover your Difference Factor and build the business of your dreams. (Get the free report now.)
3.) This is the program where I help people build their own Content Machine that wins more clients with less work. Check out the 50+ reviews here.
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